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SiteMinder delivers successful “Brews & Schmooze” evening in London

  Posted in Press Releases

Industry event brings together market leading OTAs to discuss fast-paced world of online distribution

London, UK – In light of SiteMinder’s successful Brews & Schmooze industry event in Sydney, the company decided to launch the networking evening in London on 28th November 2013. The evening brought together the ‘who’s who’ of Online Travel Agents (OTA’s) to meet-and-greet with industry peers and discuss the future of online distribution.

The Brews & Schmooze evening was very effective in helping guests establish new connections and knowledge share whilst celebrating the thriving growth experienced in 2013. Erik Muñoz, Executive Director, Strategic Sales & Global Partnerships at SiteMinder also delivered a well-received presentation on Transforming Distribution.

“The feedback from industry attendees was overwhelmingly positive with guests highlighting the event’s benefit as a platform for future business opportunities. It was a great example of how important industry collaboration is in order to create products that are not only widely adopted, but loved by our customers,”  said Mr Muñoz.

With online distribution developing at such a fast pace, industry events such as this are an important part of keeping up to date with customer needs and gathering market knowledge of future trends. Representatives from leading OTA’s including,,, and GTA were all in attendance.


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