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How to reduce abandoned bookings at your hotel: Direct Booking Cheat Sheet

  Posted in eBooks  Last updated 29/04/2024

It’s frustrating for hoteliers when their marketing efforts are successful in driving significant traffic to the hotel website but see only a minimal increase in bookings.

The harsh reality is that most visitors abandon their reservation partway through the process. These days travellers are very savvy shoppers and are willing to spend a long time researching and comparing accommodation options. By the time a guest actually commits to a payment, they’ve already been on a world tour in some respects.

However, the general industry trend of booking abandonment can be arrested if hotels are diligent with their direct booking strategy. Understanding the consumer path-to-purchase and customer friction points is important to provide a better online experience for travellers.

Download the cheat sheet to discover how you can reduce your abandoned bookings.